Friday, November 30, 2012

Home Inspection Reports for New Homes

Most people believe that a new home is a solid home. However, just because a home was built with all the latest technologies doesn't mean the home was built well. When prospective homeowners view a new home, they should always have a home inspection report conducted before making an offer.

What could possibly go wrong with a new home? A great example is in a small town in Colorado. There were 13 original townhomes that had been constructed in the 1970's. In the early 2000's new homes were built around the existing units. People were much more likely to purchase the new units than the old, outdated ones. Within two years the new units were having roof leakage issues. The builder decided to build quickly instead of building well. The result is that a lot of money was sunk into repairing problems that didn't exist in the homes built 30 years before.

This is just one example. Other examples of problems that crop up in new homes are water leaks. The piping should be inspected. Foundations tend to shift or settle over time. While a new home may not have any cracks under the doors, after a few years, if the house has been built on wetlands or in areas that see shifting, such as hills, the house may also shift and large cracks may be found under the doors and in the foundation itself.

One of the key features in new homes is better insulation, or creating an airtight envelope within the home, to increase energy efficiency. However, if there are toxic chemicals from carpets or mold from water leaks, those will not be vented out of the home, but will circulate in the air of the home, potentially aggravating allergies, or worse, becoming the cause of illness.

Wiring will also need to be inspected to insure there are no fire hazards in the home. Infrared thermal imaging systems can detect areas of heat and cold and alert home inspectors to potential fire hazards.

The benefit of having a good home inspection is that many of these problems can be identified before purchasing the home. During a home inspection report, both the inside and outside of the home are inspected. This includes the walkways, roof, foundation, windows and doors. The tendency to believe new is good, has cost many people money. Don't let that happen to you. Hire a licensed home inspector. Check references, both in person and on-line. Be sure that your investment is sound before you sign on any dotted lines.

Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Knob Handle

Handles are attachments fixed on access portals such as doors and windows to facilitate pulling open the door or window to effect entry or exit. In many cases, the handle may simply be a knob which is attached to a locking device and helps to also lock the door simultaneously when it is closed. Knobs are essentially different in shape from handles as they are rounded whereas handles are linear in shape. Knobs and handles can be fixed at different points on the door. Some doors have the handle very high up on the door, to ensure that small children cannot access them, while others may have the handle lower down.

In many circumstances, knobs are more difficult to operate, especially for elderly and differently-abled people. They do not provide a firm grip and hence they could be slippery for an elderly person or someone with special needs to operate. In such cases, a lever-functioned handle would be more appropriate.

Some door handles are recessed into the body of the door as in automobile doors. This provides an aesthetically pleasing effect. However for more high-traffic doors, these recessed handles are not recommended, as their spring-lock mechanism may not take much wear and tear. Folding handles are good for balcony-doors and outside windows as they fold back into the frame when not in use.

Knobs and handles come in a variety of materials. Almost all metals can be used but if the knob or handle is to be facing outwards, it needs to be weather resistant, be able to repel rust and corrosion and also provide a good grip when wet. In such cases, highly polished handles may not be suitable, and metal handles may be textured, carved or decoratively embellished to provide some roughness. Brass and bronze knobs and handles provide a classic touch, while plastic handles can look stylish and contemporary.

Knurled or patterned knobs provide a good grip for turning, while lobed knobs are useful for lightweight turning operations. Domed knobs are installed on vertical surfaces and they help water to run off easily when exposed to rain or wet weather. Plastic handles are very effective when there is a need for a tough, non-conducting material which will not rust or corrode or react to aggressive chemicals. Ball-shaped knobs look decorative on drawers and cabinets especially when they're made of ceramic, painted wood or polished metals. T-shaped knobs are useful in moving levers and gas tanks.

Depending on your specific requirements, you can purchase the correct type of knobs and handles from your local hardware store or order them on-line from manufacturers.

Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

What's Involved In Inspecting The Roof During a Home Inspection?

The foundation and the roof of a property are two of the most expensive components of a property to repair if something goes wrong. Before buying a new home, having a home inspector conduct a thorough evaluation of the property has saved clients thousands of dollars in future repairs that they can take off the asking price of a home. The results of home inspections have even deterred potential buyers from making an offer on a home. Just because a property is new doesn't mean the roof is intact or free of leaks. New homes, poorly built, are just as likely to need repairs as older homes.

Each type of roofing comes with its own challenges. Roofs fall into one of two categories - low slope roofing and steep slope roofing.

Low slope roofing refers to slopes less than or equal to 14 degrees. This type of roof includes water impermeable types of roof membranes, such as metal panel roof systems, polymer-modified bitumen sheet membranes, single-ply membranes and spray polyurethane foam-based (SPF) roof systems, according to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). Within these types, there are three principles that need to be checked during a home inspection:

• Weatherproofing. If this element is compromised, expect leaks and water damage. • Strength and stability through reinforcement. Making sure the roof is going to stay intact during storms and high winds is important. • Surfacing helps protect against fire and hail and may help reflect the heat of the sun's rays. Hail damage can run into the thousands and tens of thousands of dollars for repairs depending on the storm.

Steep slope roofing refers to shingles, clay and concrete tile, metal, slate, wood shakes and singles and synthetic materials (source NRCA). Clay and concrete tile can crack or come loose. Extensive cracking will be looked for as well as missing tiles. Weatherproofing comes in two forms, the covering and an underlayment that acts as a secondary layer of weatherproofing. Again, damage here can mean expensive water leaks. Thermal imaging systems can help identify leaks in this area. In climates that receive a lot of direct sun and high altitude climates, wood components can warp and weaken quickly. Wood also may need to be stained regularly, and should be factored in as a home maintenance cost.

Once weatherproofing and the condition of the covering have been inspected, an inspector can assess whether the roof will need repairs immediately or in the near future. Roofing jobs are not cheap, so be sure to protect your investment by having a trusted home inspector perform your home inspection.

Reasons For Asphalt Option Over Concrete And Gravel Pavements   

Study Habits for Middle School Students

Ohhh I still remember when I was at Middle school, those beautiful days. At the beginning of each year, everything was very nice, new friends, new teachers some times, playing football and running from one side to the other all the time... Anyway it was beautiful "at the beginning of course" hahaha, because over time, the headaches started to appear.

You guys know what I'm talking about, when I say headaches right?

Yes that's right, tests, exams, many subjects, homework; ugh it was a big headache to put everything in my little head...

But well, we cannot do anything about it, we really have to study to acquire more knowledge... otherwise in the future we will be a Joe nobody (and nobody wants that);

Although the classes are boring, and we have so many pages to study, and many formulas to memorize, it is our duty, to know how to study, and have the best grades to step up to the next year and let our parents happy.

You should have good grades not only to glad your parents, but to glad yourself, because in the future, you will have a better profession, and you will be the person who will benefit most.

In middle school there are many more disciplines than in elementary school, and usually, the student may not be accustomed to so many disciplines, and may end up shuffling. It is very important to know how to organize your notes, because later you will need them when you're studying, and if they are organized, it will be easier to find each subject.

Summaries, summaries, summaries, much attention to it, always write the summary, always! As we all know the summary contains the topics that are spoken in the classroom. If you ever decide to study for a test, and you are not quite sure what you have to study, or where to start, you know where you have to search, right? Open your notebook, and check the summaries, you will find everything you need.

Another crucial tip is to study daily. I do not recommend creating the habit of studying only on the eve of exams or tests, because besides you stay too stressed, and do not manage to retain everything in the brain, you will accumulate a lot of subjects, and it will be hard to put everything in the head, in a short time.

Now imagine that you have 2 - 3 or 4 tests in a week? How are you going to study everything at once on the eve? It's impossible... you will get so stressed, and your head will "KABOOM"!

Maybe you can manage to pass on some tests, but most of the tests will go all wrong, trust me.

Well I gave you, some tips on how to get good study habits in middle school, read and follow what I said, and you will have good results, do not forget to pay close attention in class, write everything on paper and take notes of what the teacher say.

Good luck buddy!

Study Habits for Middle School Students   

Study Habits for Middle School Students

Ohhh I still remember when I was at Middle school, those beautiful days. At the beginning of each year, everything was very nice, new friends, new teachers some times, playing football and running from one side to the other all the time... Anyway it was beautiful "at the beginning of course" hahaha, because over time, the headaches started to appear.

You guys know what I'm talking about, when I say headaches right?

Yes that's right, tests, exams, many subjects, homework; ugh it was a big headache to put everything in my little head...

But well, we cannot do anything about it, we really have to study to acquire more knowledge... otherwise in the future we will be a Joe nobody (and nobody wants that);

Although the classes are boring, and we have so many pages to study, and many formulas to memorize, it is our duty, to know how to study, and have the best grades to step up to the next year and let our parents happy.

You should have good grades not only to glad your parents, but to glad yourself, because in the future, you will have a better profession, and you will be the person who will benefit most.

In middle school there are many more disciplines than in elementary school, and usually, the student may not be accustomed to so many disciplines, and may end up shuffling. It is very important to know how to organize your notes, because later you will need them when you're studying, and if they are organized, it will be easier to find each subject.

Summaries, summaries, summaries, much attention to it, always write the summary, always! As we all know the summary contains the topics that are spoken in the classroom. If you ever decide to study for a test, and you are not quite sure what you have to study, or where to start, you know where you have to search, right? Open your notebook, and check the summaries, you will find everything you need.

Another crucial tip is to study daily. I do not recommend creating the habit of studying only on the eve of exams or tests, because besides you stay too stressed, and do not manage to retain everything in the brain, you will accumulate a lot of subjects, and it will be hard to put everything in the head, in a short time.

Now imagine that you have 2 - 3 or 4 tests in a week? How are you going to study everything at once on the eve? It's impossible... you will get so stressed, and your head will "KABOOM"!

Maybe you can manage to pass on some tests, but most of the tests will go all wrong, trust me.

Well I gave you, some tips on how to get good study habits in middle school, read and follow what I said, and you will have good results, do not forget to pay close attention in class, write everything on paper and take notes of what the teacher say.

Good luck buddy!

Study Habits for Middle School Students   

Bankers Don't Want You to Know That You Pay for Your No Cost Home Loan Forever

With mortgage rates continuing on a downward trend, the competition in the business is fierce. A day never passes that I don't hear some crazy advertisement about a new loan program that XYZ mortgage company has and no one else offers. One of the oldest programs remains steadfast in both its high profile and its duplicity. This program is the No Cost Home Loan -- the one bankers say is free, but you actually pay for as long as you have the loan.

The no closing cost home loan is virtually everywhere. It is advertised in the mail, on radio and on TV all the time. "Hey, refinance your loan today, and there will be no closing costs," the ads scream. Wow, a free loan. Imagine the money you'll save. So, if you are in the market for a refinance loan or home equity line, which you probably should be, with rates at all-time lows, you might consider running to XYZ mortgage company, who is now offering free mortgage loans.

Just be careful you don't go bankrupt, along the way. Remember, the old cliche, Nothing in life is free, because it makes a lot of sense. You actually can get a mortgage with little or no closing costs. What bankers don't tell you (one of their great secrets) is that you pay a higher interest rate than you really qualify for, when you get your loan for "free." So, you might save $2,000 or $3,000 in closing costs, but your monthly payment could be $100 to $300 higher than it would have been if you had actually paid the costs.

Imagine taking this loan and saving $2,000 in total closing costs. Perhaps you borrow $200,000. Now, if you simply pay all the costs and tell the banker you want the best rate available, let's say it is 6% for this example, you would have a monthly payment of $1,199. Now, let's assume the wiley banker convinces you to pay no closing costs and take an in terest rate of 7%. He might say, "Now, your interest rate will be a bit higher, but you'll save $2,000 in closing costs." Sounds great, you might think.

What he doesn't do, though, is spell out the difference in the 6% rate you could qualify for, versus the 7% rate you choose to take for your "free" loan. If you borrow $200,000 at 7% interest, your monthly payment is $1,330. This is $131.00 more each month than you will pay on the same loan at 6% interest.

If you choose to pay the closing costs and save $131.00 monthly, it will take you 15 months to get your $2,000 in closing costs back. Now, if you keep this loan for five years beyond that first 15 months, you will save an additional $7,860 at the 6% interest rate. If you listen to the crafty banker, selling the No Cost Loan, you'll allow nearly eight thousand dollars to drift right up your home's chimney.

Unless the difference in the interest rate on your no closing cost loan and the loan with costs is a tiny amount, say .125%, you are almost always better off paying the costs. Be sure to ask what the difference in the rates is. Then learn exactly what the total closing costs will be. Calculate the difference in the two monthly payments (one with closing costs and one without). If that amount will pay back your closing costs in two years or less, and you intend to remain in your loan for at least five years, pay the costs and take the better rate.

Use this method, and you'll never go wrong.

Bankers Don't Want You to Know That You Pay for Your No Cost Home Loan Forever   

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